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* inspiring personal stories of triumph and pain
* bare-all nitty gritty truths to enhance your life
* magic that has happened by being open to intuition
* funny stories to make you belly laugh
* natural remedies that work
* life lessons you can't miss

Becoming a Psychic Medium . Chapter 4 - a big city
Never in my wildest dreams did i imagine i would be a Psychic Medium KNEW WHERE I'D LIVE One night when I was thirteen I sat on the porch...

Becoming a Psychic Medium . Chapter 3 - california
Never in my wildest dreams did i imagine i would be a Psychic Medium KNEW WHERE I'D LIVE One night when I was thirteen I sat on the porch...

Becoming a Psychic Medium . Chapter 2 - texas
Never in my wildest dreams did i imagine i'd be a Psychic Medium KNEW WHERE I'D LIVE One summer night when I was thirteen I sat on the...

Becoming a Psychic Medium . Chapter 1 - childhood
Never in my wildest dreams did i imagine i would be a Psychic Medium I didn't know what a psychic was until I was forty years old...

The Most Flabbergasting Talent I Discovered About Myself
do you think things happen for a reason? I do We can learn from whatever happens And choose to change how we think/react Or keep on...

Why to be Happy when a Loved One is Sick
What do you do when your puppy, child, a loved one is ill? (same applies to chaos, fear, hatred in the world) Feel bad? Worry? One day,...

Have You Ever Wanted to Look Like Someone Else?
Have you ever wanted to look like someone else? I did desperately in High School and Some Years After I was somewhat anorexic in High...

Damn Mad About Perfume
What do perfume and Mr. Bubble have in common? Brilliant commercials Who else waited for Mr. Bubble to appear? Mr. Bubble commercials...

60 Year Personal Story and the World
I grew up in a small farm town in Illinois There are three significant memories And in 60 years... what has changed Larleen's opinion on...

Stray Cat & Sewing Machine Miracle
STRAY CAT a few weeks ago a stray kitten plopped herself on our patio and would not leave she talked alllllll day long every day morning...

Two Artists Made Us Cry
ASHA & KAI Our two greyhounds Passed on January 20, 2020 & March 5, 2021 Words cannot describe the depth of our love for them We wanted...

Beyond All Odds - the El Tuito Stray Story
APRIL 2021 . THEY WERE DUMPED Two puppies were dumped in the country near a very small town called El Tuito 1 1/2 hours south of Puerto...
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